Don't Fund NPR's Biased Reporting!

by Lee Green

National Public Radio continues to present biased coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, tilting disproportionately toward Palestinian/Arab perspectives and virtually ignoring the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel incitement that pervades much of Palestinian society.

With regard to two major controversies in the last year -- the Jimmy Carter book and the Walt/Mearsheimer "study" excoriating the so-called "Israel lobby" for allegedly betraying American interests -- NPR yet again aired skewed portrayals. Interviewers gave Israel's detractors free rein to level false charges, failing to challenge or correct. (see examples below)

Some NPR affiliates have been fundraising recently.  Let these local stations -- which purchase NPR news programs --  know that you will withhold your financial support as long as NPR continues its distorted reporting. 

Here are several examples of NPR problems from the last year:

Overview of Recent NPR Bias

NPR's Fresh Air Allows Carter to Revise History While Smearing Israel

"Israel Lobby" Authors Find Friendly NPR Forum

More Terror Bias at NPR

NPR Coddles Hamas

Originally Published on 3/27/2007 for CAMERA