Go on the Offense! Publicize Palestinian Barbarism
by Lee Green
Let's go on the offense!
There are three ways to promote more accurate, fair and complete reporting about Israel and the Middle East - defense, offense and presenting a positive message. All three are important and vital.
1) Defense: Rebut unfair, inaccurate news reports so that the media and public learn the truth and are inoculated against similar mistakes/propaganda in the future.
2) Offense: Educate the media and public about the overwhelmingly negative aspects dominating Palestinian society and/or other extremist regimes in the Middle East:
- Muslim/Arab supremacist beliefs
- pervasive incitement to hate and murder Jews
- valuing death more than life
- emphasis on solving even small conflicts with violence rather than compromise
- severe discrimination against women, gays, non-Muslims
war crimes: abusing civilized policies meant to safeguard the medical system and press freedom, e.g. attempts to carry out violence using cover provided by medical, press or humanitarian credentials:
- putting a big "TV" sign on a vehicle used in an attack against Israel
hiding explosive belts and terrorists in ambulances
- faking injuries
- using medical passes into Israel to attempt to carry out terror attacks
using Doctors Without Borders credentials to gain entry into Israel to plan terror attacks
- committing barbarism. Even Human Rights Watch, which rarely criticizes outrageous Palestinian behavior, felt compelled to condemn both Hamas and Fatah regarding their recent barbarism:
'These attacks by both Hamas and Fatah constitute brutal assaults on the most fundamental humanitarian principles,' said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director for Human Rights Watch. 'The murder of civilians not engaged in hostilities and the willful killing of captives are war crimes, pure and simple.'
3) Positive Message: Educate the media and public about the values shared by Israel and the United States: democracy, pluralism, freedom of religion, freedom of press, accountability, respect for life, women's rights, a judicial system with the right to appeal, compassion for those less fortunate (humanitarian programs), an emphasis on fighting fairly and abiding by civilized rules of engagement...
Let's Go On The Offense!
Below is information from Israel's Foreign Ministry about some very disturbing activities recently carried out by Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Particularly with the total dominance of Hamas in Gaza, it is important that we educate the media, the public and our elected officials about the difference between our values and extremist Palestinian values. Let's go on the offense!
In the first example, we see video footage from a Hamas kindergarten graduation ceremony in which little boys are dressed in camouflage outfits and carrying guns (presumably fake, but realistic looking). They go through routines where they are seen crawling on their bellies with the guns and then pretending to fire the guns. Instead of gearing their children to love learning and to strive to be doctors, builders or firemen, Palestinian children from early on are instead taught Muslim supremacism, to despise anyone with different religious practices (including moderate Muslims), and to glory in murdering their enemies.
In the second example, we learn about two Palestinian women, trained by Islamic Jihad handlers, who attempted to use Israel's humanitarian medical policies to perpetuate terror attacks on Israeli civilians. Israel gave an entry pass to Ruda Haviv, 30, to come into Israel for medical tests, and also gave another pass to Fatma Zak, 39, as her attending relative. Zak was 9 months pregnant at the time.
Even though polls show that the majority of Palestinians support terror against Israel, even though Israel is being rocketed daily from Gaza , Israel still felt it important to help its Palestinian neighbors in need of medical care, even though this would make Israel more vulnerable to terror attacks. This attempted terror attack by Palestinians with medical passes is how the Palestinians repay Israel's compassion. By abusing these humanitarian medical passes to attempt a terror attack, Islamic Jihad and the two women jeopardized the entire humanitarian medical program. Furthermore, by using a 9-month pregnant woman, and a supposedly ill woman, to carry out an attack, Islamic Jihad has made it imperative that even heavily pregnant or ill women be rigorously inspected at security checkpoints.
Click here to view a kindergarten graduation ceremony in a Hamas-run school. The clip shows children in camouflage and Hamas headbands, some with black masks covering their faces, and holding the Hamas flag. As their teacher is guiding them from the background, the children run, crawl, and jump with guns as they are being conditioned for violence and war.
The video was taken directly off of Hamas TV with no editing.
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Office, June, 13, 2007)
Just Released: On May 20, 2007, in the wake of precise intelligence information, the ISA-Israel Security Apparatus (also known as the Shin Bet) arrested two Palestinian women at the Erez crossing (a border crossing between Israel and Gaza) who admitted to planning to perpetrate a double suicide bombing in crowded places (restaurants, events halls or any locality with a large concentration of soldiers) in the coastal cities of Tel Aviv and Netanya. They further admitted that they were guided by Islamic Jihad, which exploited Israel's humanitarian policy; the two had received medical entry permits into Israel under false pretenses.
Fatma Yunes Hassan Zak, 39, a resident of Gaza, mother of eight children and pregnant with her ninth, had been responsible for an Islamic Jihad Gaza women's labor office for four years. She had been in contact with Islamic Jihad terrorists and coordinated contacts on their behalf with women who had volunteered to be suicide bombers.
Approximately three months ago, her niece, Ruda Ibrahim Yunes Haviv, 30, a resident of Gaza and mother of four children, sought her assistance in perpetrating a suicide attack. Zak, who decided to participate in the attack as well, contacted her Islamic Jihad liaison, who aided the two women in putting their plan into action.
The two women attended several of their meetings with Islamic Jihad terrorists accompanied by several of their children. Zak's 19-year-old son, also an Islamic Jihad terrorist, was present as the two women were photographed - holding copies of the Quran and weapons - before setting out.
In order for Zak and Haviv to enter Israel, an Islamic Jihad terrorist obtained an authentic entry permit which indicated that Haviv was due to undergo medical tests at a Ramallah hospital, with Zak as her attending relative. The terrorist also instructed the two to go to the hospital and actually undergo the test in order to cover their story. The two women were then instructed to inform Islamic Jihad in Gaza. They were told that an operative would meet them in Ramallah, provide them with explosive belts, and accompany them into Israel. Before leaving Gaza, Zak and Haviv trained in operating explosive belts and in firing an AK-47. They were also instructed on what clothing to wear in order to allay suspicions.
Originally Published on 6/14/2007 for CAMERA